Pays for cost of boat inspections beyond the amount supported by Crow Wing County and MN DNR.
The estimated cost to LHCA for 2023 was about $10,000
Purchases, installs, and removes the “no wake” buoys at our Public Access
Takes Secchi readings for water clarity, and takes water samples to test levels of chlorophyll and phosphorus
Applies for grants to support the cost of lake delineation surveys, treatment for aquatic invasive species, and additional lake studies as needed. In 2022, the LHCA received $3000 for a lake delineation survey
Applies for permits to treat invasive species. In 2021, LHCA applied for, and did receive, a permit to treat curly leaf pondweed. This was completed in June, 2021.
Maintains the historic Lake Hubert Depot and garden
Holds an annual meeting and summer social
Encourages participation in the annual Fourth of July boat parade
Designs, purchases, and sells Lake Hubert merchandise
Provides education about lake, shoreline, and boating issues
Distributes two issues of the LHCA newsletter annually
Maintains this website, and a Facebook page
Works with property owners to set up conservation easements by preserving open space in its natural condition, thereby contributing to the water quality and ecology of Lake Hubert, providing for scenic enjoyment from the lake, and providing for wildlife habitat. Two conservation easements have been granted to the Lake Hubert Conservation Association.
Collaborates with neighboring lake associations, MN DNR, Crow Wing County, and other organizations